Sunday, 2 February 2014

Kemampuan Hebat Manusia

Telepati adalah sebuah kemampuan unik yang dapat berkomunikasi dibawah alam bawah sadar, dapat membaca pikiran orang lain dan mengirimkan gelombang/pesan jarak jauh kepada orang yang diinginkan.
Kemampuan membaca pikiran dan perasaan menangkap gelombang dimiliki hampir semua orang Indigo, termasuk juga anak-anak Indigo yang masih bayi. Sedangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi jarak jauh mengirim gelombang hanya dimiliki oleh orang Indigo tertentu saja.

Sebuah kemampuan yang dapat mengetahui suatu pristiwa atau kegiatan di tempat lain yang letak berjauhan. Dan dapat dengan tepat mendeskripsikannya tanpa meleset. Jadi sama seperti seseorang yang sedang menonton siaran TV secara Live. Hal ini terjadi akibat gelombang-gelombang yang dipancarkan.
Gelombang tersebut dipancarkan oleh setiap makhluk yang terlibat dalam peristiwa itu, bahkan benda mati sekalipun memancarkan gelombang dari gerak elektron pada atom dan getaran molekulnya. Kemampuan ini meliputi juga kemampuan melihat benda-benda yang tersembunyi atau berada di suatu tempat yang tertutup dan rahasia.

Adalah sebuah kemampuan melihat masa depan bahkan dapat menentukan masa depan. Misalnya seorang Indigo dapat dengan jelas memaparkan suatu pristiwa yang terjadi di masa depan, contonhya saja seperti Paranormal Mama Lauren.
Dan menentukan masa depan adalah seorang Indigo dapat mengatur atau merubah suatu pristiwa yang akan datang sesuai dengan keinginannya. Kemampuan ini tidak dimiliki oleh semua orang Indigo, hanya beberapa saja, karna sangat sulit.
Prediksi diperoleh dengan 2 cara, yakni dengan melihat langsung kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan atau membaca dan menyimpulkan data-data yang ada di masa sekarang dan menyimpulkan sebuah kemungkinan terbesar yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

Berhubungan dengan kemampuan melihat dan membuat peristiwa di masa lampau. Yang dimaksud dengan kemampuan membuat peristiwa adalah menetapkan suatu kejadian di masa lampau dan itu berpengaruh kepada masa sekarang. Hal ini juga berhubungan dengan spiral dimensi waktu. Kemampuan ini sangat jarang dimiliki oleh orang Indigo karena jarang dipergunakan.
Yang umum digunakan adalah melihat masa lalu untuk mengetahui penyebab suatu kejadian di masa sekarang dan dapat memperbaikinya bila perlu. Sangat berguna juga untuk membongkar suatu pristiwa misterius, khususnya kriminalitas ya? Menarik…

Sebuah kemampuan menggunakan roh orang atau mahluk sekitar sebagai media atau perantara. Biasa kemampuan ini digunakan untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan Roh-roh juga, misalnya roh leluhur atau orang yang sudah mati.
Roh adalah gumpalan energi hidup yang berstruktur (badan, kepala dan anggota badan roh). Roh menyimpan kenangan seperti halnya tubuh manusia dengan otaknya. Kenangan yang direkam oleh roh berasal dari pengetahuan dasar yang bersifat idealis dan sudah ada sebelumnya, serta pengalaman yang bersifat realistis hasil perjalanan selama hidup bersama tubuh. Melihat makhluk dan berkomunikasi dengan makhluk lain yang tidak terlihat tapi berada di dimensi kita termasuk dalam kemampuan ini.

Bermakna kemampuan menggali informasi dan berkomunikasi dengan objek apa pun. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena setiap benda terdiri dari susunan atom yang membentuk molekul. Molekul pada benda padat, gas atau cair bergetar dan getarannya menghasilkan gelombang. Molekul dan atom itu juga dapat menyimpan rekaman suatu peristiwa. Rekaman ini bisa digali dan dibaca.

Kecerdasan (IQ) orang Indigo rata-rata di atas 120. Kelebihan dari orang biasa adalah kemampuan analisa data secara cepat, luas dan continue. Data-data yang tersebar dan acak akan dikumpulkan dan saling dihubungkan dengan cepat. Sebuah kesimpulan atau jawaban atas sebuah pertanyaan atau permasalahan bisa diperoleh oleh seorang Indigo hanya dalam waktu beberapa detik, terutama yang berhubungan dengan analisa kejadian alam. Kemungkinan ini berhubungan dengan kapasitas dan kemampuan proses di otak yang lebih besar dari orang umum.

Orang Indigo yang tidak belajar hipnosis bisa menghipnosis dengan kemampuan telepatinya. Walaupun proses sugestinya berjalan lamban namun bersifat permanen dan bisa diwariskan. Contoh adalah hasil sugesti hipnosis yang dilakukan orang-orang Indigo seperti para Rasul, Nabi, dan orang suci lainnya. Pengaruh mereka masih terus berbekas hingga sekarang.

Telekinetik artinya menggerakkan benda dari jarak jauh. Pada umumnya berhubungan kuat dengan kemampuan telepati seperti sugesti hipnosis. Merubah perilaku orang lain dengan mengubah susunan genetik pada spiral DNA dan menggerakkan sel, kelenjar atau organ tubuh dalam sistem metabolisme tubuh. Kemampuan untuk menggerakkan benda dengan massa besar tidak umum dimiliki oleh orang-orang Indigo.

Blessthefall - 40 days ( Lyric & Download )

Let's start at one
And count the days
Let's hope to God that time flies like they say
Cause this instance can't distance my heart from yours tonight
But I'm lying awake now and I'm holding your picture
It's so cold here without you

And I need you now, cause it's killing me
And I wish somehow, you were here with me
When I fall asleep I feel you with me
Till I fall asleep and you are with me

Could this be more
I've been up all night riding subway lines
Now we're sleeping on your floor

Can we make this a lifetime, you're all I want right now
Life keeps telling me I need to go
But what if I wanna stay
Cause I'm lost here without you

And I need you now, cause it's killin me.
And I wish somehow, you were here with me.

When I fall asleep, I feel you with me.
Till I fall asleep, and you are with me

I've found a love I've never had before, you changed me
And I will wait however long it takes, you changed me
You say the words that I've been thinking
I'll never let you go

And I need you now, cause it's killing me
And I wish somehow, you were here with me

When I fall asleep, I feel you with me
Till I fall asleep, and you are with me

You changed me
You changed me

For Download

A Skylit Drive - 500 Days of Bummer ( Lyric & Download )

Smash it at all away.
Take it to your grave.
I'll keep your heart beating. (I'll keep your beating)

Set your clock to the right time,
So you'll know when I'm gone (when I'm gone).
Go easy.
I swear, I swear,
I swear I'm not quite myself.

You'll die just to stop them.
Never know what it feels to be side by side.
You'll die just to feel like you're in.

I see the look on all your faces,
And you are telling me to run, telling me to let go.
I never thought I'd see this side of you.
Feeling lost in it, like it was last June.
Last summer shouldn't be over.
Why can't it last forever?

Set your clock to the right time,
So you'll know when I'm gone (when I'm gone).
Go easy.
I swear, I swear,
I swear I'm not quite myself.

I'll live to live
Never know what it feels to be side by side
I'll live to feel alive

I see the look on all your faces,
And you are telling me to run, telling me to let go.
I never thought I'd see this side of you.
Feeling lost in it like it was last June.
Last summer shouldn't be over.
Why can't it last forever?

I see the look on your face
And you are telling me to run, telling me to let go.
Smash it at all away.
Take it to your grave.
I'll keep your heart beating (I'll keep your beating).

This is our last chance (this is our last chance. Right now.
I know, I'll keep your heart beating, I'll keep your heart beating

You'll die just to stop them.
Never know what it feels to be side by side.
I'll live to feel alive.

I see the look on all your faces,
And you are telling me lies, telling me to let go.
I never thought I'd see this side of you.
Feel it lasted like it was last year.
Last summer shouldn't be over.
Why can't it last forever?

I see the look on all your faces,
And you are telling me, telling me, telling me to let go.
I never thought I'd see this side of you.
Feeling lost in it like it was last June.
Last summer shouldn't be over.
Why can't it last forever?

Why can't it last forever?
Why can't it last forever?
Why can't it last forever?

For Download

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Hoobastank - Inside Of You ( Lyric & Download )

It seems so obvious
Theres something up with us
I swear I feel it
From across the room.
So can I ask you this?
Not to be forward, miss,
But I think I'll kill myself
If I never know...

What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cuz I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you...

Just ask and I will do
Anything you want me to
There is no limit
To how far I will go..
And I'm sure I can't pretend
To be a gentlemen..
But before I began,
I just gotta know,
Just gotta know....

What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cuz I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you...

For now I'll play the game
And I'm waiting for your move
But I've got to say
That I never lose..

What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cuz I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you...
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you...

For Download

Attack! Attack! - The Wretched ( Lyric & Download )

There's somebody else inside my head
And he's telling me to give up
He's telling me to give up
I'm being taken down from the inside out
I think I'm gonna die here

I need you now when nothing's making sense

This time is not my perspective
There's something wrong with me
I can't seem to agree

Let's face the facts, shall we
My life, my life will never be the same
There's no time to make a change
I'm hopeless, I'm broken
I'm beaten, bruised and bleeding
Oh God, where are you now

I need you now when nothing's making sense

This song is not my perspective
There's something wrong with me
I can't seem to agree

And I know it's just what you're thinking
There's something wrong with me
I can't seem to agree

I've put it all on the line for you
I've put my life on the line for you
I've put my life on the line for you
So why did you say goodbye to me

This time is not my perspective
There's something wrong with me
I can't seem to agree

And I know it's just what you're thinking
There's something wrong with me
I can't seem to agree

For Download

Enter Shikari - Sssnakepit ( Lyric & Download )

Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down.
Nah nah nah cut this tension mate it's too much.

Situation volatile, seriously hostile
Soul searchers,
Fear merchants,
Brightly colored, no use for camouflage,
When you're venomous and willing to sabotage.
We're just a group of your white blood cells
Fighting off parasites
We're your system mechanics
Trying to fix this machine
What's the one thing that has
More speed, more strength,
And goes deeper than us?
A nuclear submarine.

Ah come on just open the door!

Knocked off my feet by the backdraft
Brought back to earth
Oxygen clears my head
And I just gotta say
Oh you're not gonna believe this
You can't perceive this
This is like nothing you've seen before
But lucky for you
Yea lucky for you
This is an open door

Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down.
Down on your shoulders
Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down
Just push right back!

Oh you're not gonna believe this
You can't perceive this
This is like nothing you've seen before
But lucky for you
Yea lucky for you
They're well prepared… but they forgot one thing
Yea yea we're nice guys… until we're not!

Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down
Down on your shoulders
Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down
Just push right back!

Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down
Come and join the party, leave anxieties behind
When the weight of all the world is pushing down
Just push right back!
Just push right back!
Just push right back!

For Download

R3hab & Nervo & Ummet Ozcan - Revolution

I got a love that keeps on fighting,
It keeps on.
I got a heart that keeps on trying,
It keeps on.
We got this planet, keeps evolving,
It keeps on.
Even when our hope is broken,
We keep on.

There's so much for us to prove,
So keep on,
There's so much for us to do,
Just we can start a revolution,
You and me,
I say we start a revolution,
Just you and me.

Start revolution.
Start revolution.

I got a love that keeps on fighting,
It keeps on,
I got a heart that keeps on trying,
It keeps on,
Tell me what you gonna do,
So keep on,
Show me what you gonna choose,
Cause we can start a revolution,
You and me,
I say we start a revolution,
Just you and me,
Start revolution.

Just you and me.

Start revolution.


Start revolution.