Friday, 30 November 2012

Tesortrix 28

I miss them so much.


Keluarga :

Kumpulan orang yang setiap harinya penuh dengan rasa cinta, konflik, perbedaan pendapat dan berbagai rutinitas lainnya. Lihat seseorang yang memiliki keluarga, penuh dengan senyuman dan kesedihannya setiap hari. Tapi lihatlah seseorang yang tidak memiliki keluarga, setiap hari kehidupannya hanya dipenuhi dengan kesedihan akan kesendirian.

Manusia ditakdirkan untuk bersama dan menjalani kehidupannya bersama dengan orang-orang yang disayanginya, hidup dengan penuh tawa dan air mata bersama-sama. Bukan hidup dengan kesendirian tanpa ada orang yang disayang disekitarnya. Ingat, hidup ini cuma sebentar takpunya banyak waktu bahkan untuk bisa terus tertawa. Karna untuk satu nafas ada nikmat yang luar biasa didalamnya.

Sayangilah keluargamu seperti kau menyayangi tuhanmu, ingat mereka adalah orang yang terdekat yang kau miliki. Kau akan tau rasanya hidup tanpa adanya mereka dalam setiap bangun pagimu dan tidur malammu.

Cristina Scabbia

Cristina Scabbia

Vocalist of Lacuna Coil


Setiap masalah datang dalam hidupmu, detik itu juga semua perasaanmu tidak karuan. Disaat hal itu terjadi kau tidak pernah mengingat siapa-siapa bahkan bayanganmu sendiri. Ini semua hidupmu, lika-likunya, masalahnya dan keaneka ragamnya. Jika suatu hari akan datang dimana kau tidak pernah bisa merasakan apa-apa lagi, berdoalah agar semua ini cepat berakhir.

Bring Me The Horizon - Don't Go (Lyric)

I was raised in the valley
There was shadows and death
Got out alive but with scars 
I can't forget

This kid back at school
Subdued and shy
An orphan and a brother and Unseen by most eyes

I don't know what it was that Made a piece of him die
Took a boy to the forest
Slaughtered him with a scythe

Stamped on his face
An impression in the dirt
Do you think the silence 
Makes a good man convert?

We all have our horrors 
And our demons to fight
But how can I win when 
I'm paralyzed?
They crawl up on my bed,
Wrap their fingers round my throat
Is this what I get for 
The choices that I made?

God forgive me for all my sins
God forgive me for everything
God forgive me for all my sins
God forgive me
God forgive me

Don't go
I can't do this on my own
Don't go
No I can't do this on my own
Save me from the ones 
That haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself 
So stay with me tonight
Don't go
Don't go

If I let you in
You'll just want out
If I tell you the truth
You'll vie for a lie
If I spill my guts,
It would make a mess 
we can't clean up.

If you follow me
You will only get lost
If you try to get closer
We'll only lose touch
But you already know too much
And you're not going anywhere

Tell me that you need me cause I love you so much
Tell me that you love me cause I need you so much
Tell me that you need me cause I love you so much
Say you'll never leave me cause I need you so much

Don't go
I can't do this on my own
Don't go
No I can't do this on my own
Save me from the ones 
That haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself 
So stay with me tonight

Don't go
I can't do this on my own
Don't go
No I can't do this on my own
Save me from the ones 
That haunt me in the night.
I can't live with myself 
So stay with me tonight

Don't go
Don't go
Don't go
Don't go

Don't go
Don't go
Don't go
Don't go

Don't go
Don't go
Don't go

Oliver Sykes